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Scrap Yards in Phoenix

Nothing is worse than trying to get from North Phoenix down to the Central City area on the I-17 when your air conditioner dies. If your old vehicle is more junk than a car, it’s probably time to sell. But most private buyers don’t want to pay for a car that is less than perfect and many salvage yards in Phoenix are only interested in the scrap metal value of your old car. Local junkyards may eventually make you an offer after lots of haggling but in the end, they’ll ask you to tow your damaged car to them at your own expense! At, we make it easy to get an offer online in 90 seconds or less.

Did You Know?

When you try to sell a car to a junkyard, you might be losing out on hundreds of dollars. Our expert team always make fair market offers for junk cars based off of the condition of the vehicle, location, year, make and model and premium options. Plus, we offer free towing nationwide and usually schedule a pick-up within 24 – 48 business hours.

Check Online What Your Car Is Worth AS-IS

Junkyards Near Me

There are many local junkyards in Phoenix who would be happy to take your old car off your hands but this isn’t always the most convenient option. In fact, most of the time they will require you to tow your junk vehicles to them! That can be impossible if your car doesn't run or has severe cosmetic damage after an accident. And once you finally get your car there, they can still haggle and make you a lower offer or deny the sale altogether!

At, we always guarantee our offers from the start. Simply visit us online to get a fast and completely free offer in just 90 seconds. With an excellent rating and reputation in the industry, we never pressure to sell and even give you time to consider our offer.

How can I get a quote for my junk car instantly?

It's simple and it takes less than 90 seconds... click the button below to get started and find out how much your junk vehicle is worth!

Vehicle Pick-up is FREE Nationwide. No Haggle. No Fees. We are A+ rated business at BBB.

How Much Can I Get From Junkyards Who Buy Cars?

Because each offer is made at the discretion of the individual appraiser, there’s no telling what your offer will be based on when you sell to scrap yards in Phoenix. When we make an offer on a damaged car, junk cars, wrecked cars or old cars, we base it off the true value of the vehicle. This means we take into account everything from the make and model, year, current condition, trim, location and any premium extras.

Enter vehicle details

By filling out our form with accurate information on, we can give you an instant offer on some vehicles or contact you with a guaranteed offer shortly after you click “Submit for Offer.”

Accept your Offer

Happy with the offer? Provide proof of ownership, and we will schedule the pick-up of your car and deliver the payment at the same time.

Get paid!

We will hand you a check during the car pick up.

Frequently Asked Questions by Car Sellers

When is my car considered a 'junk car'? Will that affect my offer?

We buy junk cars, it's what we do. Your offer is based on the specifics of your car's condition, not if it's a junk car. If your car has a 'salvage title' or 'junk title' you can still get a decent offer for the vehicle. You car may be worth much more than you think!

Does have any service fees or expenses to me?

We won't charge you any fees, we'll give you money for your junk car! You won't incur any hidden fees or expenses to you whatsoever. Towing is free, and our customer service throughout the title transfer process is absolutely free. 

When Can I Expect a Scrap Yard to Pick Up My Vehicle

Our refined car buying process allows us to dispatch the nearest scrap yard, which results in a 24-48 hour vehicle pick-up time! Other local scrap yards may idle around and take their time to get your car. Our junk car pick-up responds quickly and sends out a junk removal service as soon as possible. The best part? You'll get paid as soon as the towing company arrives!

My car broke down, will I have to pay to have it towed?

We buy cars in any condition which frequently includes non-running cars and cars that won't drive. Your broken down car will be towed for free to our partner auto recyclers near you.

Where Can I Find Junk Removal Near Me?

When it’s time to sell a damaged car the first thing you may think of is, “Where can I find scrap yards near me?” We work with reputable local junk removal experts in Phoenix, so you don’t have to! Don’t waste time and money towing your car from one scrap yard to the next looking for a fair deal. Instead, get a quick and fair offer online with us and we’ll tow away your car for free, usually within 24 – 48 business hours.

How Much is My Car Worth?

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