Stats for Texting and Driving

There are occasions where the damages visited up the poor, unsuspecting car are truly accidental in nature. Maybe a tree fell on the car and it's time to sell your clunker for cash. Maybe it was a hail storm that made someone’s lovely new car pocked and cratered. While it’s never pleasant to have a damaged car, at least in those situations, it’s generally only the car that has been hurt.

But, there are other occasions where this isn’t the case. Occasionally, people are in these cars as they’re damaged. And, that is never good. While we’re happy that we can help get a bit of cash for car to put back into these people’s pockets, we’d vastly prefer if these accidents never happened in the first place.

Reckless drivers and drunk drivers cause a lot of accidents. But, when you’re behind the wheel, you have no control over other drivers (crazy or otherwise). The best you can do is drive safely and responsibly, yourself.

Texting while Driving Accident Statistics

Texting. Texting while driving on the other hand is completely under your control. According to a survey performed by AT&T, 70-percent of those surveyed say they use their smartphones while driving. Sixty-one percent say they text. Some even email, use Facebook, tweet, Snapchat, Instagram, video chat (VIDEO CHAT!!!) and more while driving.

Not cool. To give you an idea how bad and idea to engage in all of those digital shenanigans while driving, according to the National Safety Council texting or other smartphone-centric distracted driving increases your likelihood of getting in a car accident by 800-percent. Actually, texting while driving and cellphone driving accounts for 27-percent of all accidents.

So, while we buy damaged cars, do the rest of the world a favor and put down your phone while driving. That crazy funny tweet or adorable puppy Instagram will survive until you put your car in park. And, no email is worth risking your or someone else’s life.